Phone Dialer : Call Themes icon

Phone Dialer : Call Themes

Kessi Infotech
1,000+ downloads

About Phone Dialer : Call Themes

Color Call Screen : Call Theme : Video Theme for incoming call : Phone Caller Screen Theme : is the newest caller screen changer with call themes , customizes caller screen display, Party Colorful Lights , Custom call screen and so on. The call theme app will decorate your call screen with call screen theme and color phone theme, including love call screen themes, funny themes and so on.

You are so bored with your default Call Screen? You need a new Theme, an exciting Screen for your Phone Call, so you need to use our app -Lovely Call Screen-Theme Changer, Color Phone ,Make caller ID cooler and more fun.

🔥Popular features🔥
✔️ Dynamic caller screen themes-provide various beautiful, stylish and colorful caller screen themes ,The theme collection is various
✔️ Various beautiful, colorful and interesting call flash themes are all here!
✔️ Very cool color call flash function, call flash has many different call themes, it is very exciting, and it is completely free!
✔️ Cool Theme Category - easy to find a lovely theme to set up for your Caller Screen
✔️ Caller ID-Caller ID will show the caller name and caller number on the caller screen.
✔️ Fantastic and beautiful background pictures to choose
✔️ Remind calls when your phone in silence mode with caller screen and call flash theme
✔️ Unique fun caller screen themes with color phone themes & caller screen style in caller screen changer
✔️ Blinking and sparkling alert on call, flash alerts for all your incoming calls
✔️ Caller Screen for incoming calls with call flash. Beautiful, stylish caller screen display in caller screen themes

Huawei Devices :
You need to Disable color calling from protected apps for app to work properly

REDMI Devices Or Other Device :
Auto Start permission must be enabled for color calling app to work properly

If App not Working during Phone Screen Lock Then Follow These Steps
1) Go to App Info
2) Click On Other Permissions
3) Click On Show on Lock screen
4) Allow show on lock screen

Phone Dialer : Call Themes Screenshots