If you want to buy a business in Pattaya, this application is for you. We have collected all offers for sale of hotels in Pattaya directly from owners.
Prices from owners, their approximate equivalent in U.S. dollars, a description of the hotel and its features, a lot of pictures, nuances of ownership and business, the presence or absence of certain licenses - we tried to present you with the most useful and necessary information for making an informed decision.
If you have any additional questions - we are happy to answer them. You can contact us using all modern communication tools directly from the application - direct call, messengers or e-mail.
We hope you find the application convenient and helpful in choosing the right hotel for your purchase.
Prices from owners, their approximate equivalent in U.S. dollars, a description of the hotel and its features, a lot of pictures, nuances of ownership and business, the presence or absence of certain licenses - we tried to present you with the most useful and necessary information for making an informed decision.
If you have any additional questions - we are happy to answer them. You can contact us using all modern communication tools directly from the application - direct call, messengers or e-mail.
We hope you find the application convenient and helpful in choosing the right hotel for your purchase.
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