Mengenal Allah dan WaliNya icon

Mengenal Allah dan WaliNya

Kata Kata Quotes Of The Day
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About Mengenal Allah dan WaliNya

This android application recognizes the Guardian of Allah and his Karomah contains a complete description of aulia accompanied by various characters.

This android application also explains in detail about why we have to study the history of the previous scholars and scholars of this century to increase the user's faith.

Suitable as a pocket book as well as writing references for users.
It is expected that through this application users can add scientific encyclopedias such as:
God's guardian guardian is hidden
physical characteristics of god guardians
Allah's Guardian in Indonesia today
the story of a god guardian
the sign of a god guardian
the story of the karomah of the guardians of Allah SWT
karomah wali allah
how to know god's guardian

Hopefully useful ... Wassalam ...

Mengenal Allah dan WaliNya Screenshots