indeed Allah SWT. before creating everything, first create the light of your prophet from the Nur Allah (Hadith)
If it weren't for you, if it weren't for you, O Muhammad, I would never have created a high sky and manifested My Sovereignty (Hadith).
In a hadith the Prophet Muhammad said, Ana min nurullaahi, wa khalaq kuluhum min nuuri— "I am from the light of Allah, and the whole world is from my light." In another hadith from Ibn Abbas it is stated, "There was actually a Quraish, who was still in the form of nur (light), in the presence of Allah the Almighty, the Supreme, two thousand years before the creation of Prophet Adam. Nur that always praises Allah ... "
Allah created Nur Muhammad, or al-haqiqat Al-Muhammadiyya (The Essence of Muhammad) before creating everything.
Before practicing all the knowledge in this application, hold tightly to these principles: 1. God is laysakamitslihi syai'un, different from everything, so make sure that if you see any light it is not God. do not get carried away with "extraordinary". because Satan will never stop derailing humans. And hold tight to these principles: 2. Sharia law is God's will for the body. Do not because you feel you understand the essence and then leave the law. it means heresy. Please learn it slowly while practicing.
God willing, useful ...
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Wassalam ...
If it weren't for you, if it weren't for you, O Muhammad, I would never have created a high sky and manifested My Sovereignty (Hadith).
In a hadith the Prophet Muhammad said, Ana min nurullaahi, wa khalaq kuluhum min nuuri— "I am from the light of Allah, and the whole world is from my light." In another hadith from Ibn Abbas it is stated, "There was actually a Quraish, who was still in the form of nur (light), in the presence of Allah the Almighty, the Supreme, two thousand years before the creation of Prophet Adam. Nur that always praises Allah ... "
Allah created Nur Muhammad, or al-haqiqat Al-Muhammadiyya (The Essence of Muhammad) before creating everything.
Before practicing all the knowledge in this application, hold tightly to these principles: 1. God is laysakamitslihi syai'un, different from everything, so make sure that if you see any light it is not God. do not get carried away with "extraordinary". because Satan will never stop derailing humans. And hold tight to these principles: 2. Sharia law is God's will for the body. Do not because you feel you understand the essence and then leave the law. it means heresy. Please learn it slowly while practicing.
God willing, useful ...
Please download because this application is light, small in size, and easy to use.
Wassalam ...
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