Simple Calendar Widget. Very simple, and with easy customization.
Not intended to be anything more than a simple widget that shows you the current month. It does not tie to any other calendar app. It does not sync up with any other systems.
I wanted something like this for my own purposes, and everything else I found was overkill. So I wrote my own version with the intent of having it be small, lightweight, not kill the battery, and easy to customize. As you can see from the screen shots, you can make it look however you like.
You can scroll through the months in the preferences screen. But the widget will always remain at the current month.
There is currently no option for starting the week on Monday. Some people actually prefer this method. If there is any call for it, I will add that as an option for a future release.
One other thing... I am aware that the color picker doesn't scale well on high resolution screens. I will be making an update for that as soon as I figure out how to fix that.
Not intended to be anything more than a simple widget that shows you the current month. It does not tie to any other calendar app. It does not sync up with any other systems.
I wanted something like this for my own purposes, and everything else I found was overkill. So I wrote my own version with the intent of having it be small, lightweight, not kill the battery, and easy to customize. As you can see from the screen shots, you can make it look however you like.
You can scroll through the months in the preferences screen. But the widget will always remain at the current month.
There is currently no option for starting the week on Monday. Some people actually prefer this method. If there is any call for it, I will add that as an option for a future release.
One other thing... I am aware that the color picker doesn't scale well on high resolution screens. I will be making an update for that as soon as I figure out how to fix that.
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