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Boar Hunter Sniper

Ladik Apps & Games
3.5 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Boar Hunter Sniper

Boar Hunter Sniper

Best boar hunting experience with great sniper rifles in 4 valleys.

Game overview;
In the environment, there are valleys with surrounded by mountains. There are wild boars roaming around looking for prey. You are a hunter who shoot and kill boars. You can see around and aim from your sniper gun to shoot the boar. If your fire is missed, the boars will come toward you and you can become his prey. You are equipped with Sniper gun and, you have to survive with your accurate firing tactics. If a boar kills you, the game is over.
* Real 3D graphics and environment.
* Best sniper gun for accurate shooting.
* No connectivity required while playing.
* Addictive, loving & fun.
* Multi-touch enabled.
Note: Game is just for fun, the game play doesn't mean to hunt or kill animals in reality.

Boar Hunter Sniper Screenshots