Location information recording app. There is a function to display the recorded route together with the photos of the gallery, so please use it for recording your travel.
[ Basic function ]
* Record the location information obtained from the device and display it on the map.
* Displays photos in the gallery based on the time of each location information.
* The recorded route can be played back along the time axis.
* You can perform operations such as narrowing down the recorded routes by period and displaying them.
[ Data management ]
* The recorded route can be output as a file in various formats.
* Since the output file is a text file, you can edit it on your computer and import it again.
* Google Location History backup data (Records.json) can be imported.
* You can perform operations such as extracting and saving the recorded route and connecting it with other routes.
* It is possible to add to the record, and it is also possible to record in multiple files in parallel.
[ Settings ]
* Detailed settings such as the accuracy of location information acquisition are possible.
* Maps are displayed in OpenStreetMap by default. You can change to Google Maps by setting. To use Google Maps, you need to get an API key. Please obtain from the following site. https://console.cloud.google.com/
[ Basic function ]
* Record the location information obtained from the device and display it on the map.
* Displays photos in the gallery based on the time of each location information.
* The recorded route can be played back along the time axis.
* You can perform operations such as narrowing down the recorded routes by period and displaying them.
[ Data management ]
* The recorded route can be output as a file in various formats.
* Since the output file is a text file, you can edit it on your computer and import it again.
* Google Location History backup data (Records.json) can be imported.
* You can perform operations such as extracting and saving the recorded route and connecting it with other routes.
* It is possible to add to the record, and it is also possible to record in multiple files in parallel.
[ Settings ]
* Detailed settings such as the accuracy of location information acquisition are possible.
* Maps are displayed in OpenStreetMap by default. You can change to Google Maps by setting. To use Google Maps, you need to get an API key. Please obtain from the following site. https://console.cloud.google.com/
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