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Guitar Score Visualizer

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About Guitar Score Visualizer

Guitar Score Visualizer parse the text and show the chord image which matched inside text.
You put score text data manually and this app list these data.
You might need to modify that data to match the behaviour of this app (ex. add whitespace to match chords).

No import feature. You have to put text manually. So you can add whatever songs you want by yourself!

Example score text data is like the one here:

This app treat white space or "|" as separator and consider like " F C D " or "|F|C D|" as chord "F", "C", "D".
Each chord is shown only once. If the same chord appear, just ignore it. This is by design.

For HIGH chord and other alternate chord, if you tap chord image below, this app show you the list of alternate chords. You can choose from them. (But now only very few chords are supported).

*** This app is alpha stage! ***
Only few part of chords are supported now.
If you need more chords, please create those image by following instruction and send to me via e-mail.

Guitar Score Visualizer Screenshots