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Movie Actor Trivia
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About Movie Actor Trivia

How well do you know your favorite Movie Actors and Actresses?

Test Your Movie Star Knowledge in Movie Actor Trivia!

**** Includes Android TV!!! ****

Movie Trivia has never been so much fun. Choose from the most popular movie actors and actresses in Hollywood, including Bill Murray, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Steve Martin, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and Will Smith. Challenge yourself or have a movie trivia night with friends and family in Party Mode!

Movie Actor Trivia includes 9 of Your Favorite Hollywood Movie Actors and Actresses:

- Bill Murray
- Brad Pitt
- Denzel Washington
- Julia Roberts
- Sandra Bullock
- Steve Martin
- Tom Cruise
- Tom Hanks
- Will Smith


- Includes 9 of your Favorite Movie Actors and Actresses.
- Thousands of Multiple Choice Questions.
- Party Mode (Up to 4 Players).
- Gamepad Support.
- Family Friendly.
- Fun for all ages.

So what are you waiting for? Download it now and start playing Movie Actor Trivia!