LTO Exam Reviewer app is designed to help users prepare and pass their application for driver license exam in any LTO branches nationwide. All the answers and questions are based from lto portal exam.
* Categories Selection - We have 4 different categories to choose from: Traffic Signs, Non-Pro, Professional(Heavy), Professional(Light). Try our lto non pro exam now!
* Reviewer - With an up-to-date question and answer feature of the app, this gives you the edge to pass the written driving examination!
* Mock Examination - Test your current rules and road signs knowledge with mock examination feature. At the end of this exam, it gives you the breakdown of your result including passing rate and history of questions along with correct and own answers.
* Language Selection - Choose your preferred examination language. Lto reviewer tagalog is available
* No. of Questions - Number of lto reviewer questions you want to review or mock exam is flexible. You can choose either 40, 60, or 80 question items.
Disclaimer: This app, LTO Exam Reviewer is no affiliated, associated, authorized, or endorsed by or in anyway officially connected with Land Transportation Office (LTO)
Copyrights and/or trademarks are properties of their owners respectively.
* Categories Selection - We have 4 different categories to choose from: Traffic Signs, Non-Pro, Professional(Heavy), Professional(Light). Try our lto non pro exam now!
* Reviewer - With an up-to-date question and answer feature of the app, this gives you the edge to pass the written driving examination!
* Mock Examination - Test your current rules and road signs knowledge with mock examination feature. At the end of this exam, it gives you the breakdown of your result including passing rate and history of questions along with correct and own answers.
* Language Selection - Choose your preferred examination language. Lto reviewer tagalog is available
* No. of Questions - Number of lto reviewer questions you want to review or mock exam is flexible. You can choose either 40, 60, or 80 question items.
Disclaimer: This app, LTO Exam Reviewer is no affiliated, associated, authorized, or endorsed by or in anyway officially connected with Land Transportation Office (LTO)
Copyrights and/or trademarks are properties of their owners respectively.
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