Practas fonaigs bhunaiteach Ghàidhlig gu furasta leis an app eadar-obrachail againn. Chaidh an app a dhealbhadh mar thaic do sgoilearan a tha a’ faighinn grèim air prìomh sgilean leughaidh agus litreachaidh. Tha na ceithir gnìomhan a’ daingneachadh coimeasgadh, briseadh an-àird, tuigsinn agus dèanamh sheantansan. Le eòlas siùbhlach air litrichean agus fuaimean bunaiteach, agus grèim math air na sgilean bunaiteach, bidh misneachd aig sgoilearan feuchainn air leughadh agus sgrìobhadh. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi an app seo feumail!
Practice basic Gaelic phonics with our easy to use interactive app. This app has been designed to help learners master the key skills of reading and spelling. The four activities consolidate blending, segmenting, comprehension and sentence building. Knowing basic letters and sounds to automaticity and having a good grasp of basic skills enables learners to approach reading and writing with confidence. We hope you will find this app useful!
Fios Air Fuaimean has been designed for (and will work best) on tablet devices with larger screens, not mobile phones!
Practice basic Gaelic phonics with our easy to use interactive app. This app has been designed to help learners master the key skills of reading and spelling. The four activities consolidate blending, segmenting, comprehension and sentence building. Knowing basic letters and sounds to automaticity and having a good grasp of basic skills enables learners to approach reading and writing with confidence. We hope you will find this app useful!
Fios Air Fuaimean has been designed for (and will work best) on tablet devices with larger screens, not mobile phones!
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