App spòrsail a leigeas leat òrain Ghàidhlig a ghabhail.
Gabh òran Gàidhlig còmhla rinn! Tha 26 òrain Karaoke an seo le liricean co-thìmeil a leigeas leat òrain Ghàidhlig a sheinn. Òrain shocair agus òrain bheothail. Rudeigin airson a h-uile duine.
A fun app to get you singing in Scottish Gaelic.
Practise singing Scottish Gaelic songs with our collection of 26 Karaoke tunes complete with synchronised singalong lyrics to get you singing in Scottish Gaelic. Gentle songs and lively songs. Something for everyone.
Gabh òran Gàidhlig còmhla rinn! Tha 26 òrain Karaoke an seo le liricean co-thìmeil a leigeas leat òrain Ghàidhlig a sheinn. Òrain shocair agus òrain bheothail. Rudeigin airson a h-uile duine.
A fun app to get you singing in Scottish Gaelic.
Practise singing Scottish Gaelic songs with our collection of 26 Karaoke tunes complete with synchronised singalong lyrics to get you singing in Scottish Gaelic. Gentle songs and lively songs. Something for everyone.
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