✦ We launched the application in order to achieve the success we achieved in the Executive Selection Exam for Educational Institutions (EKYS), the Candidacy Removal Exam (AKS) and the Foreign Teaching Exam, in the Educational Inspectorate Exam.
✦ It is the most comprehensive, most detailed and most original content android application in its field.
✦ Written exam question and subject distribution;
General Legislation,
1) The Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye No. 2709,
2) Administrative Law, (general principles, administrative jurisdiction, administrative structure of Turkey)
3) Law No. 657 on Civil Servants,
4) Provincial Administration Law No. 5442.
Legislation of the Ministry of National Education
1) Presidency About the Presidential Organization No. 1
Organization and Duties of the Ministry of National Education in the Decree,
2) Institutions Providing Private Accommodation Service No. 652 and Some Regulations
of the Decree-Law on the Ministry of National Education.
3) National Education Basic Law No. 1739,
4) Primary Education and Education Law No. 222,
5) High and Secondary Schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education No. 439
Weekly Lesson Hours of Primary School Teachers and Additional Lessons
Law on Fees,
6) Private Education Institutions Law No. 5580,
7) Regarding the education, management and revolving fund business and transactions of the Ministry
Financial and Judicial Legislation
1) Declaration of Property No. 3628, Bribery and Corruption
Fighting Law,
2) Regarding the Trial of Civil Servants and Other Public Officials No. 4483
3) State Tender Law No. 2886,
4) Public Procurement Law No. 4734,
5) Law No. 4735 on Public Procurement Contracts,
6) Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018
Other Topics
1) Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution,
2) Teaching Profession, (Program Development, Teaching Methods and
Techniques, Measurement and Evaluation, Developmental Psychology, Learning
Psychology, Guidance and Special Education),
3) General Culture.
✦ The application is constantly updated and new tests are added to the application. You can add new tests to the application with the update button at the top of the application main screen so that you can access the newly added tests. It is useful to update the content 1-2 times a week.
✦ Application membership fee is for one time only.
✦ It is the most comprehensive, most detailed and most original content android application in its field.
✦ Written exam question and subject distribution;
General Legislation,
1) The Constitution of the Republic of Türkiye No. 2709,
2) Administrative Law, (general principles, administrative jurisdiction, administrative structure of Turkey)
3) Law No. 657 on Civil Servants,
4) Provincial Administration Law No. 5442.
Legislation of the Ministry of National Education
1) Presidency About the Presidential Organization No. 1
Organization and Duties of the Ministry of National Education in the Decree,
2) Institutions Providing Private Accommodation Service No. 652 and Some Regulations
of the Decree-Law on the Ministry of National Education.
3) National Education Basic Law No. 1739,
4) Primary Education and Education Law No. 222,
5) High and Secondary Schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education No. 439
Weekly Lesson Hours of Primary School Teachers and Additional Lessons
Law on Fees,
6) Private Education Institutions Law No. 5580,
7) Regarding the education, management and revolving fund business and transactions of the Ministry
Financial and Judicial Legislation
1) Declaration of Property No. 3628, Bribery and Corruption
Fighting Law,
2) Regarding the Trial of Civil Servants and Other Public Officials No. 4483
3) State Tender Law No. 2886,
4) Public Procurement Law No. 4734,
5) Law No. 4735 on Public Procurement Contracts,
6) Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018
Other Topics
1) Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution,
2) Teaching Profession, (Program Development, Teaching Methods and
Techniques, Measurement and Evaluation, Developmental Psychology, Learning
Psychology, Guidance and Special Education),
3) General Culture.
✦ The application is constantly updated and new tests are added to the application. You can add new tests to the application with the update button at the top of the application main screen so that you can access the newly added tests. It is useful to update the content 1-2 times a week.
✦ Application membership fee is for one time only.
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