Day Countdown & Reminder app is used to create countdowns and count-ups. You can set reminder for any event like birthday, meeting, anniversary or track any of your habit like when to water the plants.
You can know how many years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds left or gone from date selected.
You can set different gradient colors to the counter or any habit which you are tracking.
Select from year, month, day, hour, minute or second to show in counter.
Also set reminder for event along with reminder time.
If you want to track any of your habit then you can choose habit option and set repeat from daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or custom. Custom includes selection of number of times and number of days.
You can add and remove habit from event view and see track habit using line graph.
Sort your event list according to date, time or date and time as default is none.
Day Countdown & Reminder is simple app with clean user interface. You create an event in 2 seconds and it will start the countdown or count-up depending on the situation.
The counter of days is beautiful and intuitive, if you're tired of counting down the days, you'll enjoy this.
You can know how many years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds left or gone from date selected.
You can set different gradient colors to the counter or any habit which you are tracking.
Select from year, month, day, hour, minute or second to show in counter.
Also set reminder for event along with reminder time.
If you want to track any of your habit then you can choose habit option and set repeat from daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or custom. Custom includes selection of number of times and number of days.
You can add and remove habit from event view and see track habit using line graph.
Sort your event list according to date, time or date and time as default is none.
Day Countdown & Reminder is simple app with clean user interface. You create an event in 2 seconds and it will start the countdown or count-up depending on the situation.
The counter of days is beautiful and intuitive, if you're tired of counting down the days, you'll enjoy this.
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