With Marianne & Vous, residents can find out about the activities and services offered by the residence facilitator-coordinator, talk to each other, publish photos or videos, offer exchanges of goods or services, or reserve time slots for services in the well-being area or activities in the conviviality lounge.
Marianne & Vous, it is also the possibility for the relatives of the residents to keep informed about the life of the residence.
Finally, Marianne & Vous is an application that makes it possible to make the link with the different partners of the Maisons de Marianne: social landlord, local authorities or associations.
Marianne & Vous, it is also the possibility for the relatives of the residents to keep informed about the life of the residence.
Finally, Marianne & Vous is an application that makes it possible to make the link with the different partners of the Maisons de Marianne: social landlord, local authorities or associations.
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