Welcome and meet again with Lummatun, where we learn together about the world of trade, online marketing, marketing mix, websites, and the like.
This website and application are developed and managed by Kang Mursi. He includes students from Wahid Hasyim University in Semarang, and alumni of the APIK Islamic boarding school, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java.
Alhamdulillah, he always says it because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has willed him to become a student and santri figure who is always enthusiastic about continuing to study the world of the internet, especially knowledge of digital marketing, online business, and websites.
He also did not forget to read sholawat
O Allah, سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
with the hope that the Lummatun Application and Website will be full of benefits, and the blessings of the world and the hereafter.
Amen oh my God.
And here are some of the materials we will study together:
1. Learn Digital Marketing Funnels.
Marketing Funnel is an online marketing strategy based on four important components, namely Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.
A more complete explanation is already available in the application.
2. Learn Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate marketing is an online marketing strategy by inviting other parties to participate in promoting the product. Then they are given a commission from the sale.
The benefit is that the product or service you have will have more and more people interested in promoting it.
3. Learn marketing mix.
Marketing mix or marketing mix is a marketing strategy that combines several important elements in it technically and integratedly to achieve a targeted market marketing objective.
What you need to know..!
The discussion on this one is quite interesting, and it is a loss if we don't want to study it.
4. Learn social media marketing.
Social media marketing is an online marketing strategy using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the like. And choose one of them to be featured, which suits your business.
Because you can get dizzy yourself if you are active on all the online social media that have been mentioned. Therefore, you just need to focus on managing one or two online social media accounts that are most profitable for business development.
5. Learn Website Marketing and SEO.
Website marketing and SEO, is an online marketing strategy by utilizing Google to promote products so that your business is more easily known to many people from various regions.
And even this is one of the most popular marketing techniques, and Alhamdulillah there are already very many successful businessmen and traders because they manage websites.
In fact, Lummatun is ready to assist you in creating a high-quality website as an effective promotional medium, and we also offer services in the form of marketing content creation services that can sell products.
God willing.
The advantages of digital marketing applications from Lummatun:
1. Convenient application to use.
2. The discussion material is easy to understand, because several examples are given.
3. The content or materials will be updated, so that our knowledge and insights will broaden.
4. A contact page is provided so that you can easily contact us.
5. There are several products and services available that you may need.
That's all and thank you.
This website and application are developed and managed by Kang Mursi. He includes students from Wahid Hasyim University in Semarang, and alumni of the APIK Islamic boarding school, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java.
Alhamdulillah, he always says it because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has willed him to become a student and santri figure who is always enthusiastic about continuing to study the world of the internet, especially knowledge of digital marketing, online business, and websites.
He also did not forget to read sholawat
O Allah, سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
with the hope that the Lummatun Application and Website will be full of benefits, and the blessings of the world and the hereafter.
Amen oh my God.
And here are some of the materials we will study together:
1. Learn Digital Marketing Funnels.
Marketing Funnel is an online marketing strategy based on four important components, namely Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.
A more complete explanation is already available in the application.
2. Learn Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate marketing is an online marketing strategy by inviting other parties to participate in promoting the product. Then they are given a commission from the sale.
The benefit is that the product or service you have will have more and more people interested in promoting it.
3. Learn marketing mix.
Marketing mix or marketing mix is a marketing strategy that combines several important elements in it technically and integratedly to achieve a targeted market marketing objective.
What you need to know..!
The discussion on this one is quite interesting, and it is a loss if we don't want to study it.
4. Learn social media marketing.
Social media marketing is an online marketing strategy using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the like. And choose one of them to be featured, which suits your business.
Because you can get dizzy yourself if you are active on all the online social media that have been mentioned. Therefore, you just need to focus on managing one or two online social media accounts that are most profitable for business development.
5. Learn Website Marketing and SEO.
Website marketing and SEO, is an online marketing strategy by utilizing Google to promote products so that your business is more easily known to many people from various regions.
And even this is one of the most popular marketing techniques, and Alhamdulillah there are already very many successful businessmen and traders because they manage websites.
In fact, Lummatun is ready to assist you in creating a high-quality website as an effective promotional medium, and we also offer services in the form of marketing content creation services that can sell products.
God willing.
The advantages of digital marketing applications from Lummatun:
1. Convenient application to use.
2. The discussion material is easy to understand, because several examples are given.
3. The content or materials will be updated, so that our knowledge and insights will broaden.
4. A contact page is provided so that you can easily contact us.
5. There are several products and services available that you may need.
That's all and thank you.
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