ANDIKAT project aims to develop dive trails in marine protected areas, as a means to promote
and protect the natural and cultural underwater heritage in Greece and in Cyprus. In this
framework, the Maritime Archaeological Research Laboratory of the University of Cyprus, in
collaboration with the Department of Antiquities and the Department of Fisheries and Marine
Research, embarked on the project to create the first underwater archaeological park in Cyprus,
at the harbour of Amathus.
The abandonment of the harbour during antiquity created an unusual condition at Amathus: the
site is preserved in its original phase without any disturbance from later use, as is often the case
with other ancient harbour sites in Cyprus and the rest of the Mediterranean. Moreover, the
preserved architectural remains are situated in shallow waters (up to -4m), close to the shore,
allowing for easy access to the public. All these features, along with the unique biodiversity of the
site, played a key role for including the harbour in the Marine Protected Area of Amathus, and
thus for creating the first underwater archaeological park in Cyprus.
Since this is an open-access site, emphasis was given to personalised visits. Toward that end,
the application “Amathus Harbour” was created for smart mobile devices. Remote navigation is
possible through an interactive map that provides information complemented with audiovisual
media. While on site, the application shows the geographical location of the visitor, indicating the
points of interest that are nearby. Users can also enhance the experience of their visit by
activating the audio guided tour that will help them discover the most important remains. Walking
along the constantly changing coast and listening to or reading about the history and the
environment of this unique landscape, visitors may create their own trails, before they swim to
have a closer look at the remains of the ancient harbour of Amathus.
ANDIKAT is co-funded by the European Union and national resources from Greece and
Cyprus (Interreg VA Greece – Cyprus Program 2014-2020).
and protect the natural and cultural underwater heritage in Greece and in Cyprus. In this
framework, the Maritime Archaeological Research Laboratory of the University of Cyprus, in
collaboration with the Department of Antiquities and the Department of Fisheries and Marine
Research, embarked on the project to create the first underwater archaeological park in Cyprus,
at the harbour of Amathus.
The abandonment of the harbour during antiquity created an unusual condition at Amathus: the
site is preserved in its original phase without any disturbance from later use, as is often the case
with other ancient harbour sites in Cyprus and the rest of the Mediterranean. Moreover, the
preserved architectural remains are situated in shallow waters (up to -4m), close to the shore,
allowing for easy access to the public. All these features, along with the unique biodiversity of the
site, played a key role for including the harbour in the Marine Protected Area of Amathus, and
thus for creating the first underwater archaeological park in Cyprus.
Since this is an open-access site, emphasis was given to personalised visits. Toward that end,
the application “Amathus Harbour” was created for smart mobile devices. Remote navigation is
possible through an interactive map that provides information complemented with audiovisual
media. While on site, the application shows the geographical location of the visitor, indicating the
points of interest that are nearby. Users can also enhance the experience of their visit by
activating the audio guided tour that will help them discover the most important remains. Walking
along the constantly changing coast and listening to or reading about the history and the
environment of this unique landscape, visitors may create their own trails, before they swim to
have a closer look at the remains of the ancient harbour of Amathus.
ANDIKAT is co-funded by the European Union and national resources from Greece and
Cyprus (Interreg VA Greece – Cyprus Program 2014-2020).
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