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HIT Creative Tool

Frederick University
50+ downloads

About HIT Creative Tool

The Hate Interrupter Teams Creative Tool is an application aimed at professionals working with young people in educational contexts, supporting them to raise awareness on Hate Speech & Behaviour and its negative impact, and to empower young people to counteract the phenomenon through creative tools.

The Hate Interrupter Teams Creative Tool allows users to generate content mainly based on storytelling and social marketing principles, which can be used in formal and non-formal education settings and widely disseminated through social media, allowing young people to take action and collaborate with different stakeholders to promote Human Rights.

HIT Creative Tool main functionalities: allows users to design a poster, a card game and/or a story using generic/thematic backgrounds, stickers, bubbles, emojis, hashtags, photos from camera/gallery, etc. Then users can save it on the smartphone and/or share it to Social Media

The app was developed in the framework of the transnational project Hate Interrupter Teams (HIT): Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities through participatory and creative campaigning. It results from the cooperation from expert organisations across Europe (Cyprus: “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center, Frederick University. Spain: CEPS. UK: Rinova, Collage Arts. Germany: Metropolisnet. Bulgaria: GAF. Italy: MuLab. Greece: The Smile of the Child).

The #HITproject has been funded with support from the European Commission. This mobile/desktop application reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project code REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2017-807861

Copyright © 2019. All Rights reserved #HITproject

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