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Medical App

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10,000+ downloads

About Medical App

medical stethoscope; The largest online exam consulting team in the country with more than 500 top ranked exam consultants from all over the country is proud to release its own app called Medical App.

Medical App, a product of the ideation of the medical consulting-educational team... for your convenience, your better communication with consultants and other students.

Features and features of the application:
Study hour challenge
Strategic tests
Test leagues
Consulting management
educational planning
on phone consultancy

Study hour challenge:
One of the main concerns of children is having the same competitive feeling in their educational process... This feeling increases the motivation to study and you are always on the right path! Record your study hours here and compete with yourself and others! Be careful not to be jealous of those who read a lot :)

Strategic tests and test league:
In order for you to experience the real pleasure of academic counseling, the medical counseling team has started this work since last year, and you will be tested according to the program that is given to you, and this will make you better by consulting wherever you need. Know and don't be surprised at the entrance exam...

Consulting management:
One of the main goals of the medical app was that the work of student communication in the field of renewal, cancellation, communication with the supporters should be on the online platform and the app so that these processes can be done as soon as possible.

Reservation of online and telephone consultation:
Here you can use the consulting services of the top ranks of Konkur... by registering the reservation, you will be contacted as soon as possible to coordinate with the consultant, you will be interviewed and the best consultant who is compatible with you will be selected for you.

This is the initial version of the application...
But we have several ideas that we will unveil in the next versions of the application. So wait for app updates
This version is currently the beta version of the application and you must help us to fix the bugs! So if you see any problem, report it to us quickly

There are ways of communication through Instagram, Telegram, the website belonging to Medical, WhatsApp or comment below this section.
The initial version of the medical application was released with Im Medical App!
Wait for very cool events in the medical app... We are going to have the biggest Concoria conference in the country here with all the cool facilities so that you can experience the joy of studying with this app...
A medical app in the phone of every entrance exam

Medical App Screenshots