Teste de Personalidade Científ icon

Teste de Personalidade Científ

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100,000+ downloads

About Teste de Personalidade Científ

From the theories developed by Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, the model of personality types was created. The study suggests that there are 16 different types of personalities , each with unique characteristics, some rarer others more common yet unique.

With this test you will discover:
   • What is your personality type, out of the 16 existing ones
   • Which group do you belong to, among the 4 existing ones
   • What title describes personality

Plus you'll have a great differential, unique to our App!
   ★ A graph detailing the percentage of each characteristic of you!
With this tool you can see which are its strongest traits and which are not yet well defined, allowing an accurate self-analysis.

We hope you enjoy!
And do not fail to share what you think of the result.

The Meta Priori team thanks and wishes for a great journey to self-knowledge!

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