Praying in the names of Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful, has great virtues. Whoever wishes for his needs using His names, the probability of being accepted increases. We offer you tried prayers. Surah A'raf - 180 : "The most beautiful names (Asma'ül Hüsna) belong to Allah (CC). So pray to Him (CC) with those beautiful names. Let go of the crooked about His (CC) names. They will be punished for what they have been doing.” and another proof is stated in a hadith-i sharif: "Allah has ninety-nine names. Whoever memorizes those names (counts them, understands their meaning and becomes conscious) will go to Paradise.” Bukhari
By Allah's leave, you can experience the tried-and-true elements of sustenance, love, protection and mind-opening.
By Allah's leave, you can experience the tried-and-true elements of sustenance, love, protection and mind-opening.
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