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Hörbücher für jedes Alter

Stan Dumitra
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The radio play established itself as an art form with the triumph of the radio. The BBC's first radio play was broadcast in 1924 with Richard Hughes' Danger. Also in 1924 "Zauberei aus dem Sender" could be heard in German. Orson Welles caused a sensation in 1938 with the radio play adaptation by H.G. Wells ‘" War of the Worlds ". It was staged as a report and appeared so real to listeners that panic broke out on the US east coast because of the alleged attack by three-legged Martians.

Radio plays are often referred to as "cinema for the ears" and some of them actually remind you of great Hollywood productions. For a "Lord of the Rings" radio play, over 100 speakers awakened the world of hobbits, elves and orcs acoustically to life. The "Otherland" tetralogy became a high-tech fantasy epic with over 250 speakers who filled more than 22 hours on 24 CDs. In contrast, Diogenes Verlag hired only one speaker to record the Bible, but he spoke for 105 hours - that is, over four days. Many over 40 listeners will know a very special radio play curiosity from their childhood: the sloppy sound foils in the salamander shoe shops. Their mascot Lurchi was up to mischief together with his friends Unkerich, Mäusepiep and Hopps and it was always somehow about shoes with which, for example, you could kick a villain in the buttocks much better than without. At the end of each story it was said "It will continue to echo in the forest for a long time: Salamanders live high" and the parents were happy when another turntable needle had not perished on the sound foil.

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