The app for making many useful options available easily in your device to make your OxygenOS device more friendly and handy with some shortcuts or say tweaks within one app together.
> Supports OOS 11, 12 and 13
> Magisk Root is still required to make it work properly.
> Options avaiable in this app
--Advance Power menu
--Force Highest display Refresh Rate all the time
--Custom Window Animation Scales
--QS Background Blur
--Google Play Services Trackers
--Dexopt Job
--Ad Blocker (Powered by AdAway hosts sources)
--HeadsUp Notifications
--Theme Store Patches
--Boot Animation Injector
--Black QS Panel and Notifications
--White Color Lockscreen Clock
--Camera Digital Zoom custom options
--Oxygen Profiles
--Additionally, this app installs some GMS Tweaks, FStrims, cleaner and little more tweaks by default.
It gets installed automatically when you open app for the first time and give root permissions.
And everything gets removed when you uninstall the app and rebooted once.
> Supports OOS 11, 12 and 13
> Magisk Root is still required to make it work properly.
> Options avaiable in this app
--Advance Power menu
--Force Highest display Refresh Rate all the time
--Custom Window Animation Scales
--QS Background Blur
--Google Play Services Trackers
--Dexopt Job
--Ad Blocker (Powered by AdAway hosts sources)
--HeadsUp Notifications
--Theme Store Patches
--Boot Animation Injector
--Black QS Panel and Notifications
--White Color Lockscreen Clock
--Camera Digital Zoom custom options
--Oxygen Profiles
--Additionally, this app installs some GMS Tweaks, FStrims, cleaner and little more tweaks by default.
It gets installed automatically when you open app for the first time and give root permissions.
And everything gets removed when you uninstall the app and rebooted once.
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