- How to win:
The main goal is to destroy the center ball indicated by a cog while saving every astronaut if they exist. Some levels require that you do so with certain number of moves, time or lives.
- How to lose:
Well... Forget to save the astronauts or run out moves, lives, or time.
- Lives:
You lose a life when the ball you threw doesn't find ANY matching balls where it lands. There is also a chance to gain lives by destroying many balls of any color or type at once. The more balls you destroy, the higher the chances that you will gain a life.
- Tips:
1) Most balls need to be attached to the center ball. If you match 3 or more and some balls get detached from the center, they will also break!
2) Previous tip doesn't apply to trapped Astronauts
3) The more balls you break with a single shot the more points you will earn for each individual ball.
4) Some levels DON'T have the "every ball must be attached to center ball" rule.
There is currently no indication of which levels have this rule disabled but be on alert when a level starts with some ball detached from the center ball and don't freak out if there is no "destroy chain" of the detached balls.
5) Spiky balls will destroy any ball you throw that directly hits them
6) In order to play a level you consume 1 Heart and if you win that level, that heart is replenished. Hearts replenish every 12 minutes to avoid spamming levels to gain XP fast.
The main goal is to destroy the center ball indicated by a cog while saving every astronaut if they exist. Some levels require that you do so with certain number of moves, time or lives.
- How to lose:
Well... Forget to save the astronauts or run out moves, lives, or time.
- Lives:
You lose a life when the ball you threw doesn't find ANY matching balls where it lands. There is also a chance to gain lives by destroying many balls of any color or type at once. The more balls you destroy, the higher the chances that you will gain a life.
- Tips:
1) Most balls need to be attached to the center ball. If you match 3 or more and some balls get detached from the center, they will also break!
2) Previous tip doesn't apply to trapped Astronauts
3) The more balls you break with a single shot the more points you will earn for each individual ball.
4) Some levels DON'T have the "every ball must be attached to center ball" rule.
There is currently no indication of which levels have this rule disabled but be on alert when a level starts with some ball detached from the center ball and don't freak out if there is no "destroy chain" of the detached balls.
5) Spiky balls will destroy any ball you throw that directly hits them
6) In order to play a level you consume 1 Heart and if you win that level, that heart is replenished. Hearts replenish every 12 minutes to avoid spamming levels to gain XP fast.
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