Constitution of Poland x3 + QUIZ - you can now find a quiz about the Constitution of May 3.
The Konstytucja Polska x3 application contains full texts of the 3rd Polish Constitution:
- the current Polish Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997
- Constitution of the People's Republic of Poland of the Polish People's Republic of July 22, 1952
- Constitution on May 3, 1791
QUIZ Konstytucja 3 maja is a simple and easy historical game thanks to which you will check your knowledge of the constitution and learn something new or interesting.
How good are you from history? How much do you know about the second constitution adopted in the world?
Test your knowledge about this important historical event, which was the adoption of the Constitution of May 3. In Polish Constitution x3, you can answer questions from the 40 questions pool regarding the constitution and history related to its creation. You do not have much time to answer: only one and a half minutes. How many questions will you answer? Check the scope of your knowledge today.
In the application you also know the Polish anthem - Mazurek Dąbrowskiego in the instrumental version. The author of the melody, based on the motifs of the folk mazurka and in principle the mazurka is unknown. The words of the hymn, called the Song of Polish Legions in Italy, were written by Józef Wybicki. From the very beginning, the song gained enormous popularity and was often sung by legionaries. On February 26, 1927, Mazurek Dąbrowski was announced as the official hymn of the Republic of Poland.
To start Polish anthem just press the green play button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you have interesting historical questions about the constitution, which should be included in the quiz, please send your proposal to the e-mail address.
Useful for every Pole because you need to know your basic law in which our rights and obligations are described.
Useful for every student and student, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland is always at hand.
Interesting - see how the constitution has changed over the centuries. Thanks to the Konstytucja Polski application you have quick and easy access to the full texts of these three basic acts. The application allows you to check the tecton at any time when you need it - while studying, developing a subject, test, test or colloquium.
Knowledge about the three constitutions of Poland in a nutshell:
Constitution of the Republic of Poland Constitution of the Republic of Poland, passed on April 2, 1997 by the National Assembly, approved in a nationwide referendum on May 25, 1997. The constitution of the Republic of Poland entered into force on October 17, 1997. It consists of a preamble and 13 chapters and 243 articles.
Constitution of the Polish People's Republic differently Stalin's constitution, July constitution was adopted by the Legislative Seym on July 22, 1952, published July 23, 1952, entered into force on July 23, 1952 with effect from July 22, 1952 and amended on December 31 1989 in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. It was developed in its original form according to the Stalinist formula of the USSR constitution of 1936.
Konstytucja 3 maja officially the Government Act of May 3 was passed on May 3, 1791. It was an act regulating the legal system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It is assumed that the May 3rd Constitution was the first in Europe and the second in the world (after the American Constitution of 1787) a modern, written constitution. You can now check your QUIZ section in the application with your knowledge of the Government Act.
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