Angels are messengers from God. Three of the special messengers mentioned in the Bible are archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
We pray to St. Michael when we face temptation. We ask St. Gabriel to help us say “yes” to God as Mary did so many years ago. We pray to St. Raphael when we are ill or know someone who is in need of healing.
Archangels stand before God's majesty and may we continue to ask their intercession through this beautiful devotional app created for old and new devotees.
The app contains a novena to the three archangels and also novenas to each individual archangel.
Archangels; St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, Pray for us!
We pray to St. Michael when we face temptation. We ask St. Gabriel to help us say “yes” to God as Mary did so many years ago. We pray to St. Raphael when we are ill or know someone who is in need of healing.
Archangels stand before God's majesty and may we continue to ask their intercession through this beautiful devotional app created for old and new devotees.
The app contains a novena to the three archangels and also novenas to each individual archangel.
Archangels; St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, Pray for us!
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