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Sparql Droid

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About Sparql Droid

Sparql Droid is a tool for working with semantic technology.

Note: Your Android device MUST have at least 16 megabytes of RAM for the application's use.

These early releases serve as a starting point and proof-of-concept. Future releases will begin to add connectivity to remote data sources, graphical exploration of the data and, ultimately, mashups of data from multiple sources.

The long-term vision for the application is to allow mobile-based access to semantic data via SPARQL endpoints. As a mobile application it will need to facilitate access using graphical paradigms in place of text-based queries.

Please send me your comments and thoughts on the functionality which you would desire in such an application.

Current Functionality
The application includes a few basic semantic technology features:

- -The ability to reason over a (small) ontology
- -The ability to execute SPARQL against:
- -the reasoned ontology
- -an external SPARQL endpoint
- -an external RDF data source
- -The ability to drilldown on some SPARQL results

By default the program loads an ontology and data representing fuel purchases. This ontology is discussed at Similarly, a default SPARQL query is loaded into the SPARQL tab.

Other ontologies and queries may be loaded from the SD card (local storage), pasted from the clipboard or typed manually.

The operation of the application is very basic. You provide an ontology, run the reasoner and then run SPARQL queries. In addition, a simple (and greatly constrained) tree-view of the reasoned model is provided.

If querying external RDF data sources or SPARQL endpoints, a local ontology does not need to be provided. Sample queries for the sample ontology as well as several external data sources are included. See the included documentation for more details on the included samples.

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