Save money on your favourite local businesses more conveniently than ever using our vast collection of coupons and discounts! Since 1979, Money Mailer® has delivered the best local offers directly to your mailbox; now you can access them instantly from your phone.
Money Mailer helps people save and local businesses grow. Find savings on Auto, Beauty, Restaurants, Home Improvement, Home Services, Retail, Professional Services, Garden & Landscaping, Health & Fitness, Entertainment, Personal Services, Pets, and Kids!
• Simply show your screen to redeem
• Browse coupons from 13 different business categories
• Use the coupon right away or add it to your Apple Wallet and save it for later
• Find offers near you, by ZIP code, current location, or using any "radius" in miles
• View offers and business information simultaneously
• Easily get directions to the advertiser’s location or tap to call
• Completely ad free
Enjoying the app? Rate us below! If you experience any issues, please let us know using the "Report a Problem" link in the mobile app or at We’d love to hear from you!
*Money Mailer® is constantly expanding to new markets. If coupons are unavailable in your area, please check back periodically as we continue to grow! Find franchising opportunities and bring savings to your neighbourhood at
Money Mailer helps people save and local businesses grow. Find savings on Auto, Beauty, Restaurants, Home Improvement, Home Services, Retail, Professional Services, Garden & Landscaping, Health & Fitness, Entertainment, Personal Services, Pets, and Kids!
• Simply show your screen to redeem
• Browse coupons from 13 different business categories
• Use the coupon right away or add it to your Apple Wallet and save it for later
• Find offers near you, by ZIP code, current location, or using any "radius" in miles
• View offers and business information simultaneously
• Easily get directions to the advertiser’s location or tap to call
• Completely ad free
Enjoying the app? Rate us below! If you experience any issues, please let us know using the "Report a Problem" link in the mobile app or at We’d love to hear from you!
*Money Mailer® is constantly expanding to new markets. If coupons are unavailable in your area, please check back periodically as we continue to grow! Find franchising opportunities and bring savings to your neighbourhood at
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