This application is a means of introducing PSHT College (Faithful Heart Brotherhood Terate)
Formation in 1922 by Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo in Madiun, Type of Pencak Silat Organization
The Goals of Educating Virtuous Humans to Know Right and Wrong who fear God Almighty, and participate in Mamayu Hayuning Bawana, Headquarters in Madiun, Indonesia
Equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ IPSI Guide
+ Prayer Guide
+ Practice the Sunnah of the Prophet
+ Practice Sholawat
+ Sirrul Asror
Formation in 1922 by Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo in Madiun, Type of Pencak Silat Organization
The Goals of Educating Virtuous Humans to Know Right and Wrong who fear God Almighty, and participate in Mamayu Hayuning Bawana, Headquarters in Madiun, Indonesia
Equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ IPSI Guide
+ Prayer Guide
+ Practice the Sunnah of the Prophet
+ Practice Sholawat
+ Sirrul Asror
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