Tafsir Jalalain literally means “Tafsir Dua Jalal”. Both of them have the title "Jalaluddin", meaning that both of them have the glory of having preserved religion. Like writing many books and publishing them all over the world, including Indonesia.
The method used in the book of Tafsir Jalalain uses the ijmali (global) method. that Imam as-Suyuthi used the same method as that used by Imam al-Mahalli.
The advantage of studying Tafsir Jalalain is that it is easy to understand. Mentioning opinions that are diligent (strong) from various existing opinions. Often mentions the i'rab and qira'at sides briefly.
Scholars have studied this book of interpretations a lot and some have even provided footnotes as well as explanations.
Jalalain's interpretation is in great demand among Islamic boarding schools because of its concise content which is easily understood by ordinary people and intellectuals alike.
The purpose of studying Tafsir Jalalain is to understand the meanings of the Koran, its laws, wisdom, moral teachings, and instructions for obtaining happiness in life in this world and in the hereafter.
As a miracle, the Qur'an has a moral responsibility to always be able to solve social problems. Therefore, as a text, the Qur'an needs to be interpreted so that its meaning is not obsolete.
Why the Study of Al-Qur'an Interpretation Is Necessary Because of that, humans really need Al-Qur'an Interpretation, so that they can understand it well and practice it well too.
Book of Tafsir Jalalain Indonesian Translation, Equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Fadilah Read Al-Quran
+ Book of Hadith Arbain Nawawi
+ Complete Riyadhus Sholihin Syarah
+ Translation Almuatta Imam Malik
+ Book of Manners of Husband and Wife
+ Qurrotul uyun and fathul izar
+ Complete Islamic Tausiyah Material
+ Friday Sermon
+ Prayers in the Koran
+ Daily Prayers
+ Formal Occasion Prayers
The method used in the book of Tafsir Jalalain uses the ijmali (global) method. that Imam as-Suyuthi used the same method as that used by Imam al-Mahalli.
The advantage of studying Tafsir Jalalain is that it is easy to understand. Mentioning opinions that are diligent (strong) from various existing opinions. Often mentions the i'rab and qira'at sides briefly.
Scholars have studied this book of interpretations a lot and some have even provided footnotes as well as explanations.
Jalalain's interpretation is in great demand among Islamic boarding schools because of its concise content which is easily understood by ordinary people and intellectuals alike.
The purpose of studying Tafsir Jalalain is to understand the meanings of the Koran, its laws, wisdom, moral teachings, and instructions for obtaining happiness in life in this world and in the hereafter.
As a miracle, the Qur'an has a moral responsibility to always be able to solve social problems. Therefore, as a text, the Qur'an needs to be interpreted so that its meaning is not obsolete.
Why the Study of Al-Qur'an Interpretation Is Necessary Because of that, humans really need Al-Qur'an Interpretation, so that they can understand it well and practice it well too.
Book of Tafsir Jalalain Indonesian Translation, Equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Fadilah Read Al-Quran
+ Book of Hadith Arbain Nawawi
+ Complete Riyadhus Sholihin Syarah
+ Translation Almuatta Imam Malik
+ Book of Manners of Husband and Wife
+ Qurrotul uyun and fathul izar
+ Complete Islamic Tausiyah Material
+ Friday Sermon
+ Prayers in the Koran
+ Daily Prayers
+ Formal Occasion Prayers
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