شرح صول ال اد أهل الiclesة والجماوices ← الكاوالmyة وإجماicle الصاوالتmber ومuzz وم futs
Abul-Qasim Hibatullah ibn al-Hasan
A L - L I L I K A I
أبو القاسم هبة الله بن الحسن اللالكائي
“Sharh usul i‘tikad ahlu-s-sunna wa-l-jama‘a, min al-katab wa as-sunna wa ijma‘ as-Sahaba wa at-tabi‘in wa man ba‘dahum”
Imam, hafiz and outstanding scholar Abul-Qasim al-Lalqa'i, the author of this book - "Explaining the fundamentals of the dogma of the followers of the Sunna" - one of the scientists through whom Allah preserved the dogma of the community, since this book contains many statements of the predecessors regarding the dogma . Also, the book is a correct methodology in understanding the Islamic creed.
This book occupies an important place as a scientific source for the teachings of the Companions and their followers, as will be discussed when reading it. It is considered an important source in the study of the doctrine of the scholars from among the righteous predecessors. Especially due to the fact that the book conveys all this with isnads and gives readers the opportunity to distinguish reliable from false, and this is common for scholars from the followers of the Sunnah and a single community in their writings.
This book is an explanation of the dogma of the followers of the Sunnah and a single community and a refutation of the views of those who contradict it. It was they who introduced various heretical beliefs into the religion, contradicting what the Messenger of Allah {ﷺ} came with and in accordance with what the first generation of this community lived and what subsequent generations of Muslims passed on from him.
شرح صول ال اد أهل الiclesة والجماوices ← الكاوالmyة وإجماicle الصاوالتmber ومuzz وم futs
Abul-Qasim Hibatullah ibn al-Hasan
A L - L I L I K A I
أبو القاسم هبة الله بن الحسن اللالكائي
“Sharh usul i‘tikad ahlu-s-sunna wa-l-jama‘a, min al-katab wa as-sunna wa ijma‘ as-Sahaba wa at-tabi‘in wa man ba‘dahum”
Imam, hafiz and outstanding scholar Abul-Qasim al-Lalqa'i, the author of this book - "Explaining the fundamentals of the dogma of the followers of the Sunna" - one of the scientists through whom Allah preserved the dogma of the community, since this book contains many statements of the predecessors regarding the dogma . Also, the book is a correct methodology in understanding the Islamic creed.
This book occupies an important place as a scientific source for the teachings of the Companions and their followers, as will be discussed when reading it. It is considered an important source in the study of the doctrine of the scholars from among the righteous predecessors. Especially due to the fact that the book conveys all this with isnads and gives readers the opportunity to distinguish reliable from false, and this is common for scholars from the followers of the Sunnah and a single community in their writings.
This book is an explanation of the dogma of the followers of the Sunnah and a single community and a refutation of the views of those who contradict it. It was they who introduced various heretical beliefs into the religion, contradicting what the Messenger of Allah {ﷺ} came with and in accordance with what the first generation of this community lived and what subsequent generations of Muslims passed on from him.
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