Among the most prominent features of Moroccan political and popular art. We find the Nass El Ghiwane group. This rioting group that has remained and will continue to be told about the artistic historical record of Morocco and why not the Arab world since this mythical group covered with its rays all the Arab countries in the early eighties. Voice of Nass El Ghiwane It is the voice of the Moroccan people. And the voice of the late Arab Batma Al-Shaji was enough to express what is inside the Moroccan nation. To your brothers, we decided to upload to you this application the words of all the songs of Nass El Ghiwane
The title of the song may change each as the song is mentioned, but the largest number of the group's songs
73 songs written
A clear big streak
The song's text can be copied by pressing the Copy Text button
And if there is any song you want in its lyrics write the name of the song in a comment and we will add it upon the next update
The title of the song may change each as the song is mentioned, but the largest number of the group's songs
73 songs written
A clear big streak
The song's text can be copied by pressing the Copy Text button
And if there is any song you want in its lyrics write the name of the song in a comment and we will add it upon the next update
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