It is an application that provides you with all the songs of Jil Jalala in written form
Introduction to Jilalah generation group
Jil Jilala is one of the Moroccan art groups that has been able to gain leadership in the field of committed song
Besides her interest in the heritage from which she chose what is meaningful,
This is due to the efforts of a group of seasoned veterans such as Mohamed Al-Dirham and researchers in heritage such as Moulay Abdel Aziz Taheri.
Not to mention the sound of the veteran maestro, Moulay El-Taher Al-Asbhani.
The birth of Jilala
It was started in 1973, in the city of Casablanca,
Most members of the group were practicing amateur theater in Marrakesh,
Then some of the elements moved to the city of Casablanca in 71-1972.
This period was the golden age of amateur theater, and the plays were interspersed with some musical works,
These songs found a great response from the Moroccan public,
This led to the formation of the group at its beginning
Jil Jilala group also starred in the movie "Paradise of the Poor", which was directed by Iman Al-Misbahi in 1994.
A song in memory
Everyone remembers that when preparing for the green rally, the song "Al-Ayoune in kind" was performed by the leading group "Jil Jilala".
She is the highlight of this readiness. Whenever you open the radio or television, and only the voices of the Jil Jilala group carrying the spirit of national mobilization bring you to an issue that is one of the most important Moroccan issues.
The application of the songs of the Moroccan generation of Jilala contains the best songs, including:
Mali, Mali
I am an Arab
We were and you were
Yadonia Yaktab
He will go
Light of lights
Yamen suffered
Baba Uday
The world
This is your promise, poor guy
The desert soldiers
Introduction to Jilalah generation group
Jil Jilala is one of the Moroccan art groups that has been able to gain leadership in the field of committed song
Besides her interest in the heritage from which she chose what is meaningful,
This is due to the efforts of a group of seasoned veterans such as Mohamed Al-Dirham and researchers in heritage such as Moulay Abdel Aziz Taheri.
Not to mention the sound of the veteran maestro, Moulay El-Taher Al-Asbhani.
The birth of Jilala
It was started in 1973, in the city of Casablanca,
Most members of the group were practicing amateur theater in Marrakesh,
Then some of the elements moved to the city of Casablanca in 71-1972.
This period was the golden age of amateur theater, and the plays were interspersed with some musical works,
These songs found a great response from the Moroccan public,
This led to the formation of the group at its beginning
Jil Jilala group also starred in the movie "Paradise of the Poor", which was directed by Iman Al-Misbahi in 1994.
A song in memory
Everyone remembers that when preparing for the green rally, the song "Al-Ayoune in kind" was performed by the leading group "Jil Jilala".
She is the highlight of this readiness. Whenever you open the radio or television, and only the voices of the Jil Jilala group carrying the spirit of national mobilization bring you to an issue that is one of the most important Moroccan issues.
The application of the songs of the Moroccan generation of Jilala contains the best songs, including:
Mali, Mali
I am an Arab
We were and you were
Yadonia Yaktab
He will go
Light of lights
Yamen suffered
Baba Uday
The world
This is your promise, poor guy
The desert soldiers
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