SetEdit or Settings Database Editor app allows you to tweak advanced android system settings that were not possible to do without root.
SetEdit app shows you the content of the android settings config. file, or the so-called settings database as a list of key-value pairs – inside SYSTEM, GLOBAL, SECURE or ANDROID properties tables – then allows you to set, edit, delete or add new ones. SetEdit app can be an invaluable tool if you know what are you doing. however, if you're not careful it is very likely to mess something up.
SetEdit allows you to do many useful tunings that can improve the user experience UX, change and tune the System UI, find hidden settings or even trick the system to gain free services.
Many users take advantage of SetEdit to:
• Customize the control center or the toolbar buttons by adding new, removing some, changing colors, enabling blur background…etc.
• Fix refresh rate issues. Enable 90hz or 30hz refresh rate.
• Tune System UI.
• Lock the network band mode at 4G LTE.
• Control battery saver mode trigger level.
• Disable the phone vibration.
• Get back the home screen icons animation.
• Enable Tethering, Hotspot for free.
• Get themes, fonts for free.
• Control screen pinning.
• set display size.
• Change or turn off brightness warning.
• Disable fingerprint animation.
• Switching dark/light mode.
• Get back the old OnePlus gestures.
• Show/hide camera notch.
• Enable mouse pad in blackberry KeyOne phones.
• Hide navigation buttons to replace with Smart Assistance Floating Dock or others.
• Change controllers colors.
• Mute camera shutter.
And many other benefits.
Important Notes:
• Some settings require you to grant the Write Secure Settings permission to the app through ADB. everything is explained inside the app.
• If you uninstall the app, you may lose the changes you made.
• Settings database keys depend on your system software and change from device to another.
• messing up with some settings that you don't know could be dangerous. We are not taking responsibility if you damage your phone. Change at your own risk.
If you have Any questions about SETTING DATABASE EDITOR? Please DON’T hesitate to contact us at
Nice experience
SetEdit app shows you the content of the android settings config. file, or the so-called settings database as a list of key-value pairs – inside SYSTEM, GLOBAL, SECURE or ANDROID properties tables – then allows you to set, edit, delete or add new ones. SetEdit app can be an invaluable tool if you know what are you doing. however, if you're not careful it is very likely to mess something up.
SetEdit allows you to do many useful tunings that can improve the user experience UX, change and tune the System UI, find hidden settings or even trick the system to gain free services.
Many users take advantage of SetEdit to:
• Customize the control center or the toolbar buttons by adding new, removing some, changing colors, enabling blur background…etc.
• Fix refresh rate issues. Enable 90hz or 30hz refresh rate.
• Tune System UI.
• Lock the network band mode at 4G LTE.
• Control battery saver mode trigger level.
• Disable the phone vibration.
• Get back the home screen icons animation.
• Enable Tethering, Hotspot for free.
• Get themes, fonts for free.
• Control screen pinning.
• set display size.
• Change or turn off brightness warning.
• Disable fingerprint animation.
• Switching dark/light mode.
• Get back the old OnePlus gestures.
• Show/hide camera notch.
• Enable mouse pad in blackberry KeyOne phones.
• Hide navigation buttons to replace with Smart Assistance Floating Dock or others.
• Change controllers colors.
• Mute camera shutter.
And many other benefits.
Important Notes:
• Some settings require you to grant the Write Secure Settings permission to the app through ADB. everything is explained inside the app.
• If you uninstall the app, you may lose the changes you made.
• Settings database keys depend on your system software and change from device to another.
• messing up with some settings that you don't know could be dangerous. We are not taking responsibility if you damage your phone. Change at your own risk.
If you have Any questions about SETTING DATABASE EDITOR? Please DON’T hesitate to contact us at
Nice experience
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