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Gokilambal Academy

1,000+ downloads

About Gokilambal Academy

Note: This app needs a minimum android version of 6.0. If the app is not compatible with your device, please login through the Parent Portal https://parent.neverskip.com using your Registered Mobile Number.

Gokilambal Academy - Features:

- Information on Academics, Activities and Attendance in one touch

- Get details of fees paid and also an option to pay directly from mobile

- Access photos, videos of all functions of the school

- Get dose of interesting activities to do with your children in the locality

- Plan for activities from the school’s daily calendar

- Real time tracking of school bus

And many more.

If you need help with the app, please email us at mobileapps@neverskip.com

Note: Gokilambal Academy App can be activated only by the parents who are authorized to access this app.

Gokilambal Academy Screenshots