Shrimp is one of the animals are classified as brackish water fish consumption. Excess shrimp is the entire body is coated skeleton on the outside (eksosketelon). The framework is shaped segments as many as 13 segments. Five roads in the head and rest on the body to the tail. The shrimp on the market an average of crawfish. Only a small proportion of type freshwater shrimp.
The shrimp is included in the family Palaemonidaeoleh. Therefore, the experts called the freshwater shrimp as shrimp palaemonid. While crawfish including Penaeidae family, so known as penaeid shrimp.
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The shrimp is included in the family Palaemonidaeoleh. Therefore, the experts called the freshwater shrimp as shrimp palaemonid. While crawfish including Penaeidae family, so known as penaeid shrimp.
Find out how more fully only in the Super Tiger Shrimp Aquaculture and profitable
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