If you are looking for an app that validates JMBG numbers (Jedinstveni Matični Broj Građana/Unique Master Citizen Number), you are in the right place.
► To validate a JMBG, just touch on the JMBG field, enter the JMBG number (13 digits) and the app will automatically let you know whether it's valid or not. Simple as that!
► For every valid JMBG, you get information such as birth date, gender, political region etc.
► If you want to enable or disable sound and vibration notifications, animations and Toast messages, just make a stop at the Settings view and do as you please.
► No Internet connection is needed for the JMBG validation (internet connection is needed only if you want to send me an email or visit my sites from within the app).
► This app does not store or share any personal or location information.
► No ads whatsoever.
If you have any questions, suggestions, problems or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact me at FreedomJMBGValidator@gmail.com (please make sure “Freedom JMBG Validator (Android)” is included in the subject of the email, preferably at the beginning).
► To validate a JMBG, just touch on the JMBG field, enter the JMBG number (13 digits) and the app will automatically let you know whether it's valid or not. Simple as that!
► For every valid JMBG, you get information such as birth date, gender, political region etc.
► If you want to enable or disable sound and vibration notifications, animations and Toast messages, just make a stop at the Settings view and do as you please.
► No Internet connection is needed for the JMBG validation (internet connection is needed only if you want to send me an email or visit my sites from within the app).
► This app does not store or share any personal or location information.
► No ads whatsoever.
If you have any questions, suggestions, problems or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact me at FreedomJMBGValidator@gmail.com (please make sure “Freedom JMBG Validator (Android)” is included in the subject of the email, preferably at the beginning).
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