We are an institution dedicated to the comprehensive training of nursing and radiology professionals, with a high level of competitiveness, with academic quality, moral values and ethical principles, which allow them to perform in multidisciplinary areas, providing excellent comprehensive and holistic quality care in nursing care for the individual, family and community, developing their skills in public and private institutions, both national and international.
The Baccalaureate in General Nursing provides the necessary tools for the student to acquire knowledge, develop abilities, skills, attitudes and values for the development of competencies that allow them to provide nursing care, in the care of the individual, family and community.
The Baccalaureate in Radiology is based on programs of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, updated, current and endorsed by the Health and Education authorities, visualizing a development perspective in different X-rays and Imaging: X-Rays (Radiography) is a Medical Exam no invasive that helps Physicians diagnose and treat Medical conditions.
The Baccalaureate in General Nursing provides the necessary tools for the student to acquire knowledge, develop abilities, skills, attitudes and values for the development of competencies that allow them to provide nursing care, in the care of the individual, family and community.
The Baccalaureate in Radiology is based on programs of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, updated, current and endorsed by the Health and Education authorities, visualizing a development perspective in different X-rays and Imaging: X-Rays (Radiography) is a Medical Exam no invasive that helps Physicians diagnose and treat Medical conditions.
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