Asteroid Belt icon

Asteroid Belt

Nolesh Live Wallpapers
4.7 out of 5
100+ downloads

About Asteroid Belt

Mysterious and unpredictable asteroid belts make us think about the mystery of the Solar and stellar systems' origin.
This 3D live wallpaper will allow you to recreate Kuiper belt (a circumstellar disc in the outer Solar System) or create a unique asteroid belt and even a protoplanetary disk. Behold an incredibly realistic space scene thanks to a variety of special effects such as hyperspeed, lens flares, God rays, shadows, and grain dust. Various camera modes (asteroid satellite, space probe, orbital camera, etc.) make it possible to observe the scene from different positions and find the optimal point of view.

- Lens flare
- Crepuscular rays (God rays)
- Shadows from asteroids
- Hyperspeed effect with motion blur
- 6 camera modes
- 30 asteroid models
- 12 asteroid textures