SPEECH PRO GOLD package is a set of 18 specialized multimedia speech therapy modules supporting the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of the most common speech and language disorders in children and communication processes. It is the best multimedia speech therapy program, the most frequently used and the most recognizable among speech therapists * and recommended by the Polish Association of Speech Therapists.
The LOGOPEDIA PRO package GOLD is directed to specialists conducting classes with preschool and early school-age children who have problems with articulation of sounds, language acquisition, its proper development and with communication. The program is designed for individual work and in small teams.
Program content - modules:
• Speech examination - articulation ,
• Speech test - difficult consonant groups ,
• Receiving and transmitting speech ,
• Voice "t" ,
• Voice "d" ,
• Voice "n" ,
• Speech "l" - extended module ,
• Backlanguage "k", "g", "h" ,
• Silent series (sounds "ś", "ź", "ć", "dż") - extended module ,
• Hissing series (sounds "s", "z", "c", "dz") - extended module ,
• A noisy series (letters "sz", "ż", "cz", "dż") - extended module ,
• Differentiation of sounds of series ,
• Voice "r" - extended module ,
• Silent speech ,
• Sfonem - exercises to develop / improve phonemic hearing ,
• Echokorektor - stuttering therapy ,
• Speech therapy training ,
• Speech therapy games (enriched with Logotrener and Groteria exercises) .
Kit contents:
& # 10146; 2 flash drives (for simultaneous work for two therapists):
• multimedia program:
- over 2650 multimedia exercises (including exercises for all phases of phonetic therapy) and nearly 1000 worksheets ,
- speech screening (vocabulary divided into age groups, possibility to print the report),
- therapist's application (including the ability to track the child's progress and document therapy),
- nearly 700 illustrations in an extensive speech study,
- professional set of labiograms with markings,
- Comic book creator for creating comics and developing spontaneous speech,
- methodical guide ,
• over 2000 additional aids (including worksheets, applications, sounds and songs),
& # 10146; SD card with multimedia exercises to be used on an Android tablet ( mobile application downloadable from Google Play),
& # 10146; two publications: Logoryms, or poems to the sounds of music and Speech screening (picture-word questionnaire),
& # 10146; license with warranty and installation instructions.
Advantages of the program:
• the only multimedia program with exercises for ALL stages of sound therapy (sound in: isolation, onomatopoeia, syllables, logotoms, words, word combinations, prepositional phrases, sentences, text and in spontaneous speech),
• linguistic material selected while maintaining the so-called "Phonetic purity",
• medical device with the effectiveness confirmed in clinical opinions, guaranteeing the safety of use,
• possibility of multiple use of one exercise - variable illustrative material and layout of answers,
• the ability to record the child's voice, as well as take pictures ,
• compliance with selected guidelines of WCAG availability ,
• attractive motivational elements .
* according to independent research by Uglik Consulting, BCMM, 4P
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