AUDITORY PERCEPTION AND AUDIT PROCESSING PRO is a modern multimedia program supporting the therapy of hearing disorders necessary for proper hearing and reception of speech, its understanding and processing of the information heard. Exercises enable the development of skills:
• localization and lateralization of sound,
• differentiation of sound features,
• recognizing sound features/sound patterns,
• perception and analysis of time aspects,
• signal reception in the presence of competing acoustic signals,
• reception of distorted signals.
The AUDITORY PERCEPTION AND AUDIT PROCESSING PRO program is a tool for working with children and adolescents with dyslexia and dyslexia risk, aphasia-type speech underdevelopment, specific language disorders SLI, dyslalia, ADHD/ADD, ASD and difficulties in concentrating attention. It is recommended for pedagogical therapists in kindergarten (one-year pre-school preparation) and at school, including: speech therapists and speech therapists, school pedagogues, early childhood education teachers and specialists in psychological and pedagogical clinics.
Thematic scope:
The material contained in the program is divided into 3 levels:
• level I: age 6-9 (one-year pre-school preparation and early school education),
• level II: age 10-13 (grades IV-VI),
• level III: age 14-15 (grades VII-VIII).
The presented content has been arranged according to the degree of difficulty. They were divided into thematic areas corresponding to the Polish core curriculum.
Kit Contents:
• 1 flash drive with a multimedia program (to be installed on 5 stations, including 4 training stations (computer or tablet):
o 400 multimedia listening exercises for use on a computer and tablet,
o therapist application with the ability to monitor the child's progress and document the course of therapy,
o comics creator,
o 15 extensive illustrations supporting the development of speech along with suggestions for tasks in the pdf version,
• mobile application to be downloaded from Google Play and multimedia exercises to be downloaded,
• 2 paper publications: a methodological guide and I watch and tell - a collection of printed illustrations supporting speech development along with suggestions for tasks,
• installation guide and license with warranty.
Advantages of the program:
• a ready-made therapy tool for children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 with various difficulties in the field of auditory perception and auditory processing,
• the possibility of filtering materials ensuring freedom in the selection of exercises depending on the needs, abilities and age of children,
• possibility of multiple use of one exercise - random arrangement of answers,
• high-quality visual materials (about 2,300 photos, illustrations) and sound,
• additional materials supporting speech development in children and adolescents,
• the ability to customize the appearance of multimedia screens to individual user preferences (compliance with selected WCAG guidelines),
• attractive motivational elements - including 6 main characters to choose from (30 short animations),
• medical device with effectiveness confirmed in clinical opinions.
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