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Luganda To English

Nyanzi Tech
4.3 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Luganda To English

Luganda To English has translation of Luganda words to English and English words to Luganda words

Features of Luganda To English
Luganda To English is easy to use and navigate
Luganda To English has a comprehensive list of English words to Luganda and Luganda to English word list
Luganda To English has the words grouped alphabetically to allow for easy data
Luganda To English has over 2000 words that are translated from Luganda to English and English to Luganda
Luganda To English helps you to learn Luganda

benefits of Luganda To English
Luganda To English helps to learn English or Luganda
Luganda To English helps to expand your vocabulary in both English and Luganda
Luganda To English can be helpful in translation works
Luganda To English can be used to study both the Luganda and English languages
Luganda To English can help you grow in knowledge of both English and Luganda
Luganda To English has so many other benefits as you will find out after downloading it

Luganda To English target groups
Luganda To English is meant for anyone who wants to view the translation of various English words to Luganda and vice versa

As Nyanzi Tech we recommend you download Luganda To English you will not regret

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