Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! Peace and blessings of Allah be sent to His messenger, Muhammad, who was sent to convey the word of Allah to people and direct humanity on a direct path.
When the angel Djibriil appeared to the prophet Muhammad with the first five verses and told him “Read!”, The prophet said: “I cannot read.” Gibriel pressed him to himself and repeated “Read!”, The prophet asked: “What to read?”
After that, trembling and frightened, the prophet ran home and said: “Wrap me, cover me” and then told Hatice about what happened to him.
Khatija became the first person to support the Prophet Muhammad, and believed in his messenger mission. Muslim women have made and still are making a huge contribution to the spread of Islam on Earth.
Allah Almighty commands men to live with them in good: “Treat them with dignity” (Women, 19), therefore men should be virtuous with them.
O Allah, we praise you and ask you for help, and pray you to direct us on the path of truth and happiness.
Publisher: Muhammatyar Najmetdin
Corrector Gainutdinova R.F.
Computer layout G. Shaikhutdinova
- Kazan, Academy of Knowledge, 2006.— 32 pp.
When the angel Djibriil appeared to the prophet Muhammad with the first five verses and told him “Read!”, The prophet said: “I cannot read.” Gibriel pressed him to himself and repeated “Read!”, The prophet asked: “What to read?”
After that, trembling and frightened, the prophet ran home and said: “Wrap me, cover me” and then told Hatice about what happened to him.
Khatija became the first person to support the Prophet Muhammad, and believed in his messenger mission. Muslim women have made and still are making a huge contribution to the spread of Islam on Earth.
Allah Almighty commands men to live with them in good: “Treat them with dignity” (Women, 19), therefore men should be virtuous with them.
O Allah, we praise you and ask you for help, and pray you to direct us on the path of truth and happiness.
Publisher: Muhammatyar Najmetdin
Corrector Gainutdinova R.F.
Computer layout G. Shaikhutdinova
- Kazan, Academy of Knowledge, 2006.— 32 pp.
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