The app contains study material of 6th to 12th standard, 'as is' provided by
📌 Disclaimer : This is an independent not-for-profit software provided to you by Onus Ant™. Study material is provided 'as is' from under fair-use policy. Onus Ant™ is liable (responsible by law) for this app. (excluding study materials)
▶️ Watch videos of lectures on various topics absolutely for free. Lecture videos are provided 'as is', available at LearnoHub youtube channel.
📙 Read notes of chapters with offline mode capability, absolutely for free. Notes are provided 'as is', available at website.
📝 You can revise or practice concepts with the help of practice tests.
✅ Not everyone can afford education these days. With the help of OA Study (powered by we are trying to provide education to everyone free-of-cost.
🖥 Server maintenance cost is sincerely covered by ads earning.
✉️ For any educational query, contact official LearnoHub team at:
✉️ For any app related query, send us email at:
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📌 Disclaimer : This is an independent not-for-profit software provided to you by Onus Ant™. Study material is provided 'as is' from under fair-use policy. Onus Ant™ is liable (responsible by law) for this app. (excluding study materials)
▶️ Watch videos of lectures on various topics absolutely for free. Lecture videos are provided 'as is', available at LearnoHub youtube channel.
📙 Read notes of chapters with offline mode capability, absolutely for free. Notes are provided 'as is', available at website.
📝 You can revise or practice concepts with the help of practice tests.
✅ Not everyone can afford education these days. With the help of OA Study (powered by we are trying to provide education to everyone free-of-cost.
🖥 Server maintenance cost is sincerely covered by ads earning.
✉️ For any educational query, contact official LearnoHub team at:
✉️ For any app related query, send us email at:
📨 Or send us message at:
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