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Forever Smart
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About Forever Smart

SMART FOREVER together with our sports watch provides the best set of information straight from the wrist.

Our SmartWatch, suited to any style, is not only a traditional watch, but above all a great device that monitors your performance in real time, and also allows you to receive SMS messages and notifications from your smartphone.

Built-in GPS gives you the ability to record the path without the need for connection to the smartphone.

Wbudowany pedometer gives you the ability to measure the number of steps, distance traveled and calories burned.

User programs and firmware sleep gives you the opportunity to constantly check the quality of sleep.

Wbudowany heart rate monitor allows you to control your heart rate around the clock.

Equipped with multi-function sports, our sports watch allows you to choose from many types of activity, such as running, cycling, walking, hiking, cross-country trail etc ...

In addition to training, our sports watch will also notify you of receiving incoming calls, text messages or notifications from social networking sites.

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