This application is compatible with Android versions 4 to 11. Android 12 users, find visual voicemail directly in your Telephone application (Orange Telephone or your native application).
With Orange Visual Voicemail, see at a glance the list of all your voicemail messages and listen to them in the order you like!
Thanks to the Visual Voicemail application, you can activate and configure your messaging system by personalizing your greeting. The application interface then allows you to access all your voicemail messages with a whole new design, listen to them in the order you want, move around within the message, and easily and directly reply to your contacts with callback and SMS response functions.
* Note: the application works with the data network (3G / 4G) as in WiFi!
The app also allows you to save or forward your voicemail messages to email in order to keep track of or share them. In addition, it is now easier to delete one or more messages from the list of your voicemail messages.
To view the number of unread messages, put your application in widget mode (long press on an empty space on your Android screen), a dot will allow smartphones (Samsung, Sony and Htc) to know the unread messages.
* Voicemail transcription to text functionality is only available to consumer customers who subscribe to the Voicemail by SMS option. (Subscription from the Orange portal, the Orange and me application or MySosh)
* A 2G cellular connection, at minimum, is required in order to receive notification messages
Finally, Orange also makes the application compatible with Android Wear connected watches.
If you wish, it is also possible to consult your voicemail messages both in the call log and in the application. To do this, simply choose the consultation in the call log in the "" Notification management mode "" menu of your preferences. Notification of a new message will then direct you to your call log.
Note: the 'battery optimization' mode of Samsung phones can lead in some cases to the absence of notification of new messages. To remedy this, you must deactivate the optimization within your battery settings.
Warning: the call log of HTC One phones is incompatible by default with visual voicemail. The application therefore only works in the mode of management of notifications by the application (to be chosen in the My preferences menu)
You can save a voice message locally or share it by email.
The mobiles which have an Android version lower than 4.0 are not compatible with the new application. In order to benefit from it, remember to update your mobile by going to the parameters of your mobile then menu "" About the device "", then "" Software update "".
Service reserved for Orange subscribers, holders of a compatible offer or option.
More information on and on, at the point of sale or through your customer service.
In case of questions, please consult the assistance via the following link - voicemail or send us an email on the support email address.
With Orange Visual Voicemail, see at a glance the list of all your voicemail messages and listen to them in the order you like!
Thanks to the Visual Voicemail application, you can activate and configure your messaging system by personalizing your greeting. The application interface then allows you to access all your voicemail messages with a whole new design, listen to them in the order you want, move around within the message, and easily and directly reply to your contacts with callback and SMS response functions.
* Note: the application works with the data network (3G / 4G) as in WiFi!
The app also allows you to save or forward your voicemail messages to email in order to keep track of or share them. In addition, it is now easier to delete one or more messages from the list of your voicemail messages.
To view the number of unread messages, put your application in widget mode (long press on an empty space on your Android screen), a dot will allow smartphones (Samsung, Sony and Htc) to know the unread messages.
* Voicemail transcription to text functionality is only available to consumer customers who subscribe to the Voicemail by SMS option. (Subscription from the Orange portal, the Orange and me application or MySosh)
* A 2G cellular connection, at minimum, is required in order to receive notification messages
Finally, Orange also makes the application compatible with Android Wear connected watches.
If you wish, it is also possible to consult your voicemail messages both in the call log and in the application. To do this, simply choose the consultation in the call log in the "" Notification management mode "" menu of your preferences. Notification of a new message will then direct you to your call log.
Note: the 'battery optimization' mode of Samsung phones can lead in some cases to the absence of notification of new messages. To remedy this, you must deactivate the optimization within your battery settings.
Warning: the call log of HTC One phones is incompatible by default with visual voicemail. The application therefore only works in the mode of management of notifications by the application (to be chosen in the My preferences menu)
You can save a voice message locally or share it by email.
The mobiles which have an Android version lower than 4.0 are not compatible with the new application. In order to benefit from it, remember to update your mobile by going to the parameters of your mobile then menu "" About the device "", then "" Software update "".
Service reserved for Orange subscribers, holders of a compatible offer or option.
More information on and on, at the point of sale or through your customer service.
In case of questions, please consult the assistance via the following link - voicemail or send us an email on the support email address.
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