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BST Cloud Technologies
500+ downloads

About OTracker

OTracker is a simple and effective POS Tracking (Vehicle and POS) platform for manufacturers and distributors.

Follow-up and management of accounts, purchases and deferred customers first Powell.

Manage inventory with vehicles and fixed points of sale in an easy and fast way.

Managing the catalog of items sold for the company or the factory.

Track financial updates for all customers, suppliers and sources.

Manage the platform's users in a way that ensures the preservation of the powers of each user, such as sales managers, marketing managers, delegates, and others ...

An integrated unit for sales management and setting the desired goals of the company's sales

Follow-up sales targets for each sales representative separately

An integrated marketing management unit for conducting marketing offers

A live car tracking system in addition to places to complete sales or receive cash on the map.

OTracker is a platform that assures you as a manager of not tampering with the prices, quantities, and invoices of goods sold.

A large list of custom and general reports for all customer movements, suppliers, sources, items, stores, vehicles, marketing, sales, cash movements, and other general reports.

In addition to

Safety system for storing data and the continuation of the platform to work integrated with the major companies based on it, such as Google, Claude Flair and others ...

Enjoy all updates that happen on the platform for free.

You can follow your sales, clients and company accounts from anywhere in the world.

All alerts and notifications for every big and small happen without entering the platform.

And many other services ... in addition to

Safety system for storing data and the continuation of the platform to work integrated with the major companies based on it, such as Google, Claude Flair and others ...

Enjoy all updates that happen on the platform for free.

You can follow your sales, clients and company accounts from anywhere in the world.

All alerts and notifications for every big and small happen without entering the platform.

And many other services ...

To communicate :
 00201111141480, or 00201099549096

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