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Radio Srood Inc.
100+ downloads

About Labkhand

Labkhand is an Afghan comedy radio station streaming live shows 24/7 on your phone. Download our free Android app and enjoy listening to non-stop Afghan comedy shows wherever you go in the world.


+ Fakahi - Daily updates of the latest Fakahi.
+ Podcast - Listen to your favorite Afghan comedian interview/new Fakahi and more.
+ Offline - Download your favorite Afghan comedian Fakahi’s and listen without an internet connection.

Stay tuned, we are still developing the app and we promise we will add more features in the coming days. We hope you enjoy our Android app. Please contact us if you have any suggestions or in case you had any difficulty using our app, we will appreciate your feedback.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter #SroodLabkhand

Made with love by Radio Srood & PamirTech team.

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