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Tips para ser un buen locutor

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About Tips para ser un buen locutor

Do you like the locution? Do you want to enter the world of broadcasting? This app is just what you need!

Discover the best tips that will help you enter the world of radio and voice over, as well as learn the basic requirements to be a broadcaster.

The "Tips to be a good broadcaster" app has advice dedicated not only to your skills but also to the selection of equipment and the increase of your knowledge at a cultural level, among them:

- Know the audience you will address
- Get trained and educate yourself, more than an announcer, you are an example to follow behind the microphone
- Originality is vital in this world
- Social media will help you support your success in this world
- Identify and build your own community
- Production is important: Get ready!
- Your life is a story that deserves to be heard
- Allies are important. Become a network of allies and sponsors
- Learn to choose the ideal microphone
- Punctuality is a virtue and you have the power to develop it

Do you want to be a professional broadcaster? All you need is an Internet connection and the desire to specialize in this fantastic job.

The locution is not a matter of vocal cords. It is much, much more. It is a communication exercise. And when we say communication we are talking about dialogue, words that are said and heard, content that is shared.

What are you waiting for? Download this manual and learn everything about the locution!

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