Free Parental Control | Parental Values (Child) is the complementary app, please download the parent app first from the Google playstore.
Parental Values is a trusted global leader and partner in the fight against online grooming. Parental Values free parental controls provide innovative online safety features to help keep your child safe:
✓ Block Adult Apps, Porn, and 18+ Websites
✓ Advanced monitoring and controls
✓ Reconnect lost GPS devices
✓ Real time alerts
✓ Screen Time limits
✓ Apps Blocking or Web Filtering
✓ Time Limits for Apps and Internet
✓ Family Locator with GPS Geofencing
✓ Forced Safe Search to block pornography
✓ Daily screen time schedules
✓ Detect and report inappropriate content
✓ Emergency alerts
✓ Child Fitness Tracking
Awards and Recognitions
✓ NM Innovation Voucher - Award by State Economic Development
✓ Entrepreneurial Showcase - Award by University of New Mexico
✓ BIG IDEA - Award by New Mexico State University
✓ GoGlobal - Award by International Trade Council (Social Impact)
✓ Appsup - Award by Huawei (Logistics)
✓ Best Parental Control -Award by Lux Magazine
✓ Certified COPPA Compliant - Seal of Approval by Federal Trade Commission 'Children's Safe Harbor'
Unique Parental Control Apps:
✓ Safe Drive works by blocking apps and calls while teens are driving
✓ Family Locator displays precise GPS locations of 10 devices
✓ Child Fitness Tracker displays our remote daily step counter, calories burned, and total distance
✓ Drive Safe sends speeding alerts, blocks apps and calls while your teen is driving
Classic Safety Features
✓ Screen Time Limit sets app time limits or total screen time per day
✓ Apps Blocking quickly block or time restrict individual apps
✓ Web Filter Filter pornography and other adult content to give your child a safe browser experience
✓ Call Blocker blocks unwanted contacts, unknown callers, or restricted callers from talking with your child
✓ Text Monitor displays your child's real time texts and text history
✓ Time Management sets allowable times and locks phone outside of designated hours
✓ Geofence Get notifications when your child enters or leaves geo-fenced zones you set
✓ Reminder alerts your child about important events and appointments
✓ Receive a wide range of safety Alerts about suspicious or dangerous activities on your child's phone
Safe Search force Google safe search for Google search to block porn
Pricing & Social Impact
Parental Values is 100% because of advertisement support. Parents may opt out and remove ads by paying an optional monthly subscription fee.
Accessibility & American Disability Act
Parental Values uses Device Administrator permissions to prevent uninstallation without the parent's password. Parental Values is not designed specifically to cover disabilities but may complement other services in accordance with the American Disability Act. Please see our Children's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to see how we protect your data.
Requirements for COPPA compliance
Parental Values free parental controls require explicit parental consent for children under the age of 13 and also from children 13 years or older
Contact Parental Values:
Parental Values LLC.
C/O FatPipe ABQ
200 Broadway Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Parental Values Policies
1 : This app uses the Device Administrator's permission.
2 : Parental Values App (Child) requires AccessibilityService API to work Limit Screen Time,Usage History, App Blocking, Daily Limit features, Web Filter.
We take your privacy very seriously, and please visit pages below for more details:
-> Privacy Policy -
-> Terms of Service -
Parental Values is a trusted global leader and partner in the fight against online grooming. Parental Values free parental controls provide innovative online safety features to help keep your child safe:
✓ Block Adult Apps, Porn, and 18+ Websites
✓ Advanced monitoring and controls
✓ Reconnect lost GPS devices
✓ Real time alerts
✓ Screen Time limits
✓ Apps Blocking or Web Filtering
✓ Time Limits for Apps and Internet
✓ Family Locator with GPS Geofencing
✓ Forced Safe Search to block pornography
✓ Daily screen time schedules
✓ Detect and report inappropriate content
✓ Emergency alerts
✓ Child Fitness Tracking
Awards and Recognitions
✓ NM Innovation Voucher - Award by State Economic Development
✓ Entrepreneurial Showcase - Award by University of New Mexico
✓ BIG IDEA - Award by New Mexico State University
✓ GoGlobal - Award by International Trade Council (Social Impact)
✓ Appsup - Award by Huawei (Logistics)
✓ Best Parental Control -Award by Lux Magazine
✓ Certified COPPA Compliant - Seal of Approval by Federal Trade Commission 'Children's Safe Harbor'
Unique Parental Control Apps:
✓ Safe Drive works by blocking apps and calls while teens are driving
✓ Family Locator displays precise GPS locations of 10 devices
✓ Child Fitness Tracker displays our remote daily step counter, calories burned, and total distance
✓ Drive Safe sends speeding alerts, blocks apps and calls while your teen is driving
Classic Safety Features
✓ Screen Time Limit sets app time limits or total screen time per day
✓ Apps Blocking quickly block or time restrict individual apps
✓ Web Filter Filter pornography and other adult content to give your child a safe browser experience
✓ Call Blocker blocks unwanted contacts, unknown callers, or restricted callers from talking with your child
✓ Text Monitor displays your child's real time texts and text history
✓ Time Management sets allowable times and locks phone outside of designated hours
✓ Geofence Get notifications when your child enters or leaves geo-fenced zones you set
✓ Reminder alerts your child about important events and appointments
✓ Receive a wide range of safety Alerts about suspicious or dangerous activities on your child's phone
Safe Search force Google safe search for Google search to block porn
Pricing & Social Impact
Parental Values is 100% because of advertisement support. Parents may opt out and remove ads by paying an optional monthly subscription fee.
Accessibility & American Disability Act
Parental Values uses Device Administrator permissions to prevent uninstallation without the parent's password. Parental Values is not designed specifically to cover disabilities but may complement other services in accordance with the American Disability Act. Please see our Children's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to see how we protect your data.
Requirements for COPPA compliance
Parental Values free parental controls require explicit parental consent for children under the age of 13 and also from children 13 years or older
Contact Parental Values:
Parental Values LLC.
C/O FatPipe ABQ
200 Broadway Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Parental Values Policies
1 : This app uses the Device Administrator's permission.
2 : Parental Values App (Child) requires AccessibilityService API to work Limit Screen Time,Usage History, App Blocking, Daily Limit features, Web Filter.
We take your privacy very seriously, and please visit pages below for more details:
-> Privacy Policy -
-> Terms of Service -
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